Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So...there are some things you forget; like how smokin' Matt Heafy, the lead singer of Trivium, is. Gosh. I dug up one of my old Metal Hammer issues, remembering that they were a rad London based metal magazine, in an attempt to contact them for work experience. Turns out, they don't have time for the bullshit. Bummer. But at least I was reunited with my baby. It was a 2006 issue where they had documented every single head bang that took place at the Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards at Koko, and he was crying all over himself after winning THE Golden God award, a 4 foot long, 50lb sword made of shining Sheffield steel. Epic.

1 comment:

TheClocktowerForest said...

I love your rosary a few posts back. I wish mine was that scale. I saw an even bigger one (big enough for giant maybe) in a thrift shop. I should have bought it and hung it on a wall.