I'm really worried about my signature pair of black Converse. They're dying. They were my very first pair and have been around the world and back with me; they've braved everything from high school to mosh pits, so naturally, this is happening:
I decided to cheer them (and myself) up by giving it a sort of bright orange facelift. And today, I took them on their first 'new and improved' spin on Putney High Street paired with my black skinny jeans, flannel shirt and navy blue blazer (very sexy androgynous). And what do you know? First step off the bus and chicks on their cellphones are telling their friends on the line to hold just to say how much they fucking dig my laces! "River Island hun," I'd say with the most ridiculous grin. I bought a few flashy pairs. A pair of two different colours was something like £2? They're a lot sturdier than the ratty pink ribbons I had in them before, and seemingly a lot more open to outsider compliments. Good good.I also impulsively bought this jacket from them that was on sale. Looking at it, I probably totally would not have picked it up, but I threw it on quickly, scrunched up the sleeves and it's the best damn thing! And warm too, so won't go to waste this Fall.
Anyway, on to the main event. Taking my sneakers for an outing today was actually me heading over to Starbucks to do a couple hours of undisturbed coursework, since I spent the entire weekend partying and sleeping. So I set up shop in a cozy corner with my laptop and books, but my Iced Chai Tea Latte (get on it!) was making a mess so I had to quickly run back to the little extras table and grab a couple napkins. 15 seconds tops. When I got back to my table, my laptop was gone.
This Indian guy next to me slowly calculated what happened after taking in my petrified/mortified/oh-fuck-ified features. We stared at each other wordlessly.
"Who took it?" I said, with a mission gearing up in my eyes.
He jumped up all Superhero fuelled, went out the back with me. We looked up and down the street. No one in sight. He held me back with his arm, "You stay here. I'll get him. I saw what he looks like."
Well cool.
I watched his things and watched him walk to the end of the street. Then, at the corner, he put his finger up at me, telling me to wait, then he sped off running. I can't tell you how freaky that moment was for me, watching him run after this guy I couldn't see, who was coolly trudging up the High Street with his new mini Sony Vaio, skull sticker included. I surprised myself by not being selfish and thinking about what I would do without that laptop, but rather, worrying about the guy getting into some confrontation with the thief. But sure enough, he came back unscathed, with my laptop!
After blurting out way too many 'Thank You's, 'Sorry's, 'I'm a careless stupid twat's, I asked him what happened. He said he'd seen the guy around there before. He's sort of Putney Starbuck's regular bum, and he comes in sometimes to beg customers for money. Guess he just saw an opportunity. Well, good for him. WANKER!!!
But seriously, if I ever see that BEAUTIFUL GUY again, I will buy him copious amounts of Starbucks and give him a blowjob. bad joke. But I swear. I could've given him anything just then. WHOEVER YOU ARE! MILLEFOIS MERCI AND I LOVE YOU! Chivalry is almost dead; ALMOST!
...stay tuned for more adventures with Kara and her bright orange laces.
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