Saturday, September 26, 2009


Haven't posted in a while, I know. I've been all over town cleaning up after myself - the coveted California trip is finally coming to an end, and I have hella shit to do in the space of a week; not to mention I'm helping Panda move house, so we're currently surrounded by dusty paraphernalia and flat boxes while trying and failing to get into 'The L Word'. So you're going to have to follow my twitter in the mean time or something (don't worry, I stopped tweeting in French on Wednesday) because things are gonna be slow.

What I CAN post about for now is that I went to a reading of Stephen Elliott's 'The Adderall Diaries' at Skylight Books 2 nights ago. I've raved about him and his books before, and his latest, which he personally mailed to me (!!!) is no exception. Please please please get your hands on a copy, even if it isn't a signed one *blows raspberry*. I also picked up one of his older ones called 'Happy Baby'. Will let you know how it goes, although I probably won't have to.

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