Monday, November 22, 2010


 My mom is preparing to meet the queen this weekend so I'm over at her's again messing around in her closet.

 Cheap no name wayfarers, polka dot head tie, lace dress - H&M, thrifted bag, neon slippers bought over the weekend at Dragonmart; this never-ending story of a chinese outlet mall in Dubai.

 Wanted to show you one of 6 options I put together for her for the soiree but they're not well. I guess this is yet another personal outfit post.

miss my old room...

It just dawned on me that I am sporting a coca cola addiction so severe right now that last night when I discovered that there was no fizzy in the house at an ungodly hour, I got dressed with the intention of downing as many free glasses of coke as possible at ladies night at my favourite neighbourhood club. Word. 

Right now, really craving kushari (even if it sounds like a cheap drug, which, I guess it is), reading Rope Burns by FX Toole for my fight training (the book to Million Dollar Baby) and looking for my stretchiest skinnies to go boarding with the bros tomorrow (woop woop! Haven't skated in like forever!)

IȾ iϟ Ẇrittɇn.

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