Sunday, October 3, 2010


Me after crying for centuries.

How was your weekend? Unfortunately I had to dump my boyfriend AND kick him out of my apartment before he decided to come back at me with any regretful, loved up words (or his penis). And then I got dressed the fuck up in an "Alexis Mabille" dress and danced myself skinnier and far far happier. So now everything is fine. For now.

Me, Alexis Mabille's spirit and my sister (guess how old she is!)

I have to say...the one good thing about a rocky relationship when you're a writer is all the stories it produces. Wrote a great deal this morning.

And now some music. This song always relaxes me, and helps me make believe I am alone on Spanish cobbled streets:

IȾ iϟ Ẇrittɇn.

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